Explore the 1.5°C Living Targets...

10. Holiday accommodation

Services and leisure
Holiday accommodation

Up to seven weeks' holiday accommodation in self-catering/eco-friendly hotels per year.

Complying with this target would, on average in the UK, emit 0.15 tCO2e per capita per year.

Staying in an eco-friendly hotel results in approximately 3 kgCO2e per night (Berners-Lee, 2020: 109–111). Self-catering would likely cause similar emissions if the accommodation is not extravagant. Camping would probably lead to significantly lower emissions, although the annualised embodied carbon of the camping equipment should also be included here.

NB travel to the holiday destination is included in target 2 above.


The following academics, scientists and engineers working in climate change have committed to target 10 - holiday accommodation.

The following members of the public have committed to target 10 - holiday accommodation.