Our policy on sources of funding
Scientists for Global Responsibility only accepts financial support from organisations whose activities are consistent with our values and aims. These values and aims are specified in full in our constitution.
In particular, we refuse funding from:
fossil fuel corporations, i.e. those which derive a large fraction of their income from the exploration, extraction and/or combustion of coal, oil and/or gas;
arms corporations, i.e. those which derive a large fraction of their income from weapons and/or other military equipment/ services;
military organisations, i.e. armed forces or government defence ministries/ agencies;
corporations whose main activities involve unsustainable resource extraction or use;
corporations whose main activities involve technologies which pose major risks which are difficult to predict or manage (e.g. nuclear power, gene drives).
SGR is open about all sources of funding, which are specified in detail in our annual reports.
SGR holds any financial reserves in a bank deposit account, avoiding investment in financial markets. Our main banking activities are carried out using banks with strong ethical policies. Currently, our main accounts are held with the Co-operative Bank and Triodos Bank.*
SGR depends on membership subscriptions and donations for its basic running costs. In the last five years we have also successfully applied to the following organisations (in alphabetical order) for funding:
- 1970 Trust
- ClimateWorks Foundation
- Declassified UK
- The Left in the European Parliament
- Local Giving
- Marmot Charitable Trust
- Martin Ryle Trust
- Minor Foundation
- National Lottery Climate Action Fund (via LESS CIC)
- New Weather Institute
- Orsted's Walney Extension Community Fund
- Scurrah Wainwright Charity
- UK Government (COVID-19 Business Relief Scheme)
* For historical reasons, we still hold an account with National Westminster Bank, although use of this account is being phased out.
Updated 5.12.24