
We currently focus on four main issues: disarmament and security, climate change and energy, questions of who controls science and technology and issues surrounding new and emerging technologies. You will also see that we work on some other issues too. You can explore these with the menu on the left of this page and with the search function. Material in this section includes all SGR's main outputs since 2005, with a selection of the more important material from before then.

An introduction to SGR's concerns and activities on climate change.

Latest update: 28 August 2020

Dr Philip Inglesant, SGR, warns that the recent upsurge in enthusiasm for Artificial Intelligence (AI) downplays the increasing dangers which are arising due to the erosion of safeguards.

13 February 2025


Dr Philip Webber, SGR, updates earlier analysis of the considerable humanitarian impacts of the war in Gaza, including probable genocide. In particular, he summarises the role of the arms industries in the USA, UK, and elsewhere.

12 February 2025 (updated)


Dr Stuart Parkinson and Andrew Simms summarise SGR’s new research on the greenhouse gas emissions of the global football sector, and explore whether reducing the carbon footprint of football can help accelerate wider climate action.

3 February 2025

Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, highlights a range of problems with current science policies, and suggests ways in which they could better contribute to tackling the polycrisis and meeting social and environmental goals.

7 January 2025

Prof Gareth Wyn Jones, Bangor University, draws on evidence from physics and biology to economics and political science to explore the effects of greater energy consumption on social and environmental goals. 

5 December 2024

Alasdair Beal takes a look at the UK nuclear industry – and finds that the proposed expansion has a workforce problem.

4 December 2024


The return of Donald Trump to the US presidency undermines efforts to tackle urgent global risks such as climate change and the threat of nuclear war. Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, gives an overview of the problems and assesses how best to respond.

14 November 2024

With repeated failures to heed warnings from scientists over environmental and health threats, Baroness Natalie Bennett and colleagues argue for major changes to the relationship between science and policy-making.

4 November 2024

Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) today called upon the UK government to stop lobbying against a UN resolution to carry out new research on the potential impacts of nuclear war. The research would be the first UN study on this topic since the 1980s.

29 October 2024