SGR conferences

Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) organises a conference roughly once a year (in the autumn) on issues of concern related to science, design and technology.

Keynote speakers are leading researchers/commentators in their field, and the event also includes SGR's Annual General Meeting, together with poster sessions or workshops.

This section of the website includes reports of previous conferences. Links to conference presentations and related material are provided where available.

Around 85 people participated in the SGR conference on Zoom on 16 October 2024. There were four speakers, and their presentations are now available to watch or download.


A treaty to keep carbon underground: the rising tide of supply-side policies
Prof Peter Newell, Sussex University



SGR online conference and AGM

From the war in Ukraine to the climate emergency, from economic crises to disruptive technologies, the world is confronted by what many are calling the 'polycrisis'. Four leading commentators offered their analyses of false solutions and where we should look for hope.

Main speakers:

  • Prof. Lorraine Whitmarsh MBE, University of Bath

Why behaviour change is a better bet for climate action than offsetting and speculative technology.

SGR 30th anniversary conference and AGM; online

Wednesday 19 October 2022; 16.00 to 19.00 (UK time)

Our 2021 conference was held on 6 October via Zoom, including the following presentations:

Recovering from Covid-19, will responsible science and technology be tools of rapid change?

Part II: Responsible technology and the climate emergency

SGR online conference and AGM

Recovering from Covid-19, will responsible science and technology be tools of rapid change?

Part I: Responsible science and the climate emergency

SGR webinar

How should the roles of scientific institutions and advisory committees change to respond to the climate emergency? What lessons are there from the Covid-19 pandemic for how scientific advice was produced and used to respond rapidly to a crisis that could be applied more broadly?


The SGR Responsible Science Conference 2019

The Gallery, Farringdon, London, UK,  EC1M 6EL

Download Scientists Behaving Responsibly report

Autonomous weapons, driverless cars and friendly spies in the home

SGR conference and AGM 2018

The Gallery, Farringdon, London, UK

Is artificial intelligence evolving quicker than the regulation to manage it? Are we sufficiently able to imagine what major problems may emerge, and can it even be effectively regulated? This conference, with presentations and interactive sessions, explored both obvious threats and more subtle ones.

Conference outputs are now available to download!

Some lessons for the next 25 years

SGR's 25th anniversary conference and AGM

The Gallery, Farringdon, London, UK; 28 October 2017

With the world facing heightened risks of nuclear war, the growing threat of severe climate change, and numerous other major problems, fears are once again growing for our future. Yet a look at evidence from history, science and technology provides lessons for how rapid positive changes could take place in our society. SGR's 25th anniversary conference drew upon some of the latest research to look at what could be achieved in the not-so-distant future.

A summary of the conference and other outputs are available to download.

The influence of the arms, fossil fuels and other industries

SGR conference and AGM 2016

The Gallery, Farringdon, London, UK; 19 November

This conference discussed the ways in which controversial industries are involved at UK universities, how government policies encourage this, and the range of detrimental effects - and then discussed proposals for change.

Presentations are available to download/ view.