Shale gas and fracking

Examining the evidence

Authors: Gwen Harrison, Stuart Parkinson and Gary McFarlane

Published: July 2014

Pages: 16

Price (for printed copy): £2.50 (£1.50 to SGR members)

Publishers: Scientists for Global Responsibility and the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health

This report reviews current evidence across a number of issues associated with shale gas extraction by hydraulic fracturing (fracking). These include environmental and public health aspects, and socio-economic considerations.

Importantly, the report is an independent assessment which draws heavily on academic research. It highlights:

  • major shortcomings in regulatory oversight regarding local environmental and public health risks.
  • the large potential for UK shale gas exploitation to undermine national and international efforts to tackle climate change.
  • the water-intensive nature of the fracking process which could cause water shortages in many areas.
  • the complete lack of evidence behind claims that shale gas exploitation will bring down UK energy bills, and concerns that it will impact negatively on UK energy security.

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