Globally Responsible
Careers in STEM

Mechanical engineer

Mechanical engineers create solutions and solve problems, playing a central role in the design and implementation of moving parts in a range of industries

As a mechanical engineer you will provide efficient solutions to the development of processes and products, ranging from small component designs to extremely large plants, machinery or vehicles. You will work on all stages of a product, from research and development to design and manufacture, through to installation and final commissioning. Most industries rely on a form of mechanical systems, and mechanical engineering is thought to be one of the most diverse of all engineering disciplines. Due to this, there are employment opportunities across several sectors.

Particular ethical debates related to mechanical engineering include the environmental impacts of deployed technologies, and the role of the profession in weapons production and other military applications.

Related SDG Goal
SDG Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
SDG Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
SDG Goal 9:  Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
SDG Goal 13: Climate action

SGR, Globally Responsible Careers 2021