
Whether you are choosing your career or changing your career – what do you need to consider? This section includes questions for you to think about around: you and what is important to you; the work you want to do and what is important to you about the nature of the work; employers and the type of organisation / activities; issues of global responsibility and how important these are to you.

Once you have completed the form (there are 4 pages covering the different areas to think about) you will have the option of supplying an email address which will allow you to send yourself the completed form by email. We do not keep a copy of your email address, nor of your completed form on the website.

If you do not want to supply an email address then we recommend that you complete it in PDF form instead. You can download it from the Resources page here.


Self-assessment form

  • Current About you
  • The work
  • Employers
  • Contact details
  • Complete
1 of 5 (0%)

What is important to me?

Rank the following points using the four point scale to see how important they are to you and which is most important. Then answer the questions to start to define what is really important to you under each heading

(Four point scale: 1 = not important, 2 = quite important, 3 = very important, 4 = extremely important)

How important are the following?

What skills/strengths do I have?

Rank the following using the scale to decide which skills/strengths you have. You can use this to consider which skills you could develop

0 = I am not interested in this
1 = I cannot do this - needs development
2 = I am partially skilled but could develop this more
3 = fully skilled with no development needed

How I work

How good am I at:

How I work with others

(0 = I am not interested, 1 = I cannot do this,  2 = I am partially skilled,
3 = fully skilled)

How good am I at:

How I think

(0 = I am not interested, 1 = I cannot do this,  2 = I am partially skilled,
3 = fully skilled)

How good am I at:

What are my qualifications? What level are my qualifications?

SGR, Globally Responsible Careers 2021